Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Car Shoot

This workshop was very enjoyable and the setup of the cyc was fairly straight forward. We used to tungstens to light the front of the car, one positioned at the front left headlight and the other slightly higher and positioned over the front badge.

The two shots below are the overall shots, at different angles. I think the second angle with both head lights in view is a better angle as all of the front is in view and the highlights along the side are much more prominent, bringing out the shapes of the car.

Overall shots
 Detail shots

Workshop Prep

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Furniture Workshop

Our group's fridge shots: 

The first shot here we were aiming for a catalogue image. The shadow on the bottom left hand side is a bit dark, but the overall gradation of the background works well. The second image was our experimental lighting shot, which consisted of a speedlight inside the fridge and I think gives some interest to the final result. 

 Below are the shots of the red chair. The first image here was our catalogue shot and is a bit under exposed. The second image is our detail shot and I think the texture of the chair stands out the most in this shot.

Furniture Diagram