Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Food Workshop

I think considering there was hardly any daylight to shoot with for this workshop, the studio lighting schemes all worked really well. Below are my two shots from the day and they were really enjoyable to shoot.

Workshop Prep

Portrait Workshop

In this workshop we were given three short scenarios to shoot.  Our first scenario was only to use one tungsten to create rim lighting around a subject, as well as a silhouette and to light the background.

Above is our final image. It took a few attempts to get the lighting right, but once everything was in position it works well. The tungsten was positioned behind me positioned low and to the left side of me. A large reflector was positioned to the right to bring some light on the right side of me.

The second scenario was to create a corporate portrait of a wall street business man whose business has just failed but has still walked out with $1.4 Billion.

For this shoot we had two soft boxes evenly positioned either side of Rhys and both were on an angle facing Rhys. The background was just plain grey paper, but we used a snoot to create the spotlight to add more interest to the shot and emphasise the subject more. 

The third scenario was a corporate shot of an upcoming prime minister, which was to portray compassion and 'moving forward'. 

This is probably the weakest of the three shots and I think we took compassion a little to far with our props. Lighting wise we had two tungstens on Chels and one on the background to create the gradient. As a portrait I think the shot works without the baby.